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Startpakke - Xpress
Startpakke - Xpress
Startpakke - Xpress
Startpakke - Xpress

Startpakke - Xpress

SKU: 960-010
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Samlet værdi: 1.345,00 kr.

Bliv din egen negletekniker med et professionelt startsæt. Lav let dine egne negle.

Vi er stolte af at introducere vores Xpress tipper. Normalt kræver det en del trin at opnå perfekte press-on negle: påføring af tipglue, fastgørelse af negletippen, tilføjelse af den ønskede farve og afslutning med en topcoat. Selvom denne metode allerede er hurtig og meget brugervenlig uanset hvilket niveau du er, har vi strømlinet processen yderligere for at gøre den endnu hurtigere, enklere og mere bekvemt.

Påfør tippen med Tipglue og afslut med topcoat og så har du smukke negle der holder lige så længe som gelenegle. Det lyder utroligt, men det virker. Ikke nok med det så har justeret størrelser og former ud fra kundernes behov. En pakke indholder 4 forskellige størrelser og former og som noget helt nyt har vi lavet en endnu kortere tip til dig som ønsker et naturligt look. Pakkerne kommer i 4 forskellige farver.

Start pakke indholder:
1 x LED Lampe
1 x Valgfri xpress farve

1 x Builder Gel Klar
1 x No Wipe topcoat
1 x Base Coat
1 x Tip Glue
2 x Neglefil/Buffer
4 x Neglefil 
1 x Wipeoff Pads
1 x Gel wipe
1 x Neglebåndsskubber
1 x Neglebånds Saks
1 x Vejledning

Gel Polish Tutorial

  1. Clean the natural nail thoroughly with Gel Wipe.
  2. Remove cuticles on the nail with a cuticle pusher and a fine file/buffer.
  3. Apply a layer of base coat and cure in the lamp for 30 seconds.
  4. Apply a layer of color in a thin layer. Cure in the lamp for 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat step 4 until you are satisfied with the result.
  6. Finish with No-Wipe Top Coat. Cure in the lamp for 30 seconds.

Gel Polish - Removal

The easiest and fastest way to remove Gel Polish is to file the color off. You can advantageously apply 2 layers of Base Coat, so you know that as soon as you see the color is gone when you have filed, you still haven't hit your natural nail yet. You don't need to remove all products before applying new ones.

Important. It is important that you do not file on the surface with a file that is below 240 grid!

Important knowledge

Hygiene. Hygiene is very important when doing nails both on others and yourself. Poor hygiene can cause the spread of viruses, bacteria and diseases (e.g. nail fungus). It can also cause the product to lift and thereby cause "green spots". Always make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before starting to do nails. Always clean your utensils after use. Clean your files with Gel Wipe . also clean your tools with soap and water, then clean with Gel Wipe.

Preparation. Clean the nail with Gel Wipe. Then push the cuticle back with a cuticle pusher. It is very important that there is no cuticle left on the nail, as this means that the product cannot stick to the nail. You can use our Cuticle file to gently remove cuticles. Then buff the entire nail with a buffer. The buffer must have a grit of 240 or greater. You must NEVER file on the natural nail with a file or buffer that is coarser than that. The buffer must be ultra fine as it can damage the nail if you file on it. After the buffet, file dust is brushed away with a Dust brush. Then use a pad with Gel Wipe to clean the nail before applying product.

Allergy. Allergy to the product is rare. Always make sure that no product gets on the skin. If product gets on the skin, it must be removed immediately. Remove the product on the skin with a brush dipped in Gel Wipe. Symptoms of allergy are: Itching, swelling and redness. If you get these symptoms, it is extra important that you protect yourself extra well from not getting the product on the skin. Bodies do not react in the same way, therefore some may become allergic to a product and others not.

Forsendelse med DAO Pakkeshoplevering pris 35 kr. Danmark

DAO Hjemmelevering Pris 40 kr.

Bring Erhvervslevering Pris 49 kr.

Fragtfri levering ved køb over 375,- kr. danmark

Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Vi leverer til Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Finland

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